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V-fit 100kg Olympic Weight Set

R.R.P £260.00



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This set comes complete with an Olympic size solid steel barbell and Olympic weight set (2" inner diameter holes) which total 100kg (220lbs) when the bar is fully loaded.  Equipped with two quick release locking collars for convenience and expedience.

2x15kg (33lb) discs

4x10kg (22lb) discs

2x5kg (11lb) discs

2x2.5kg (5.5lb) discs

1x15kg (33lb) 7ft Barbell

2 x Quick-Lock Barbell Collars

Ideal for using with our matching V-fit Olympic Weight Bench.

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    "meta_title": "V-fit 100kg Olympic Weight Set | 7ft bar | 2" diameter weight plates | Beny Sports",
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